Our world first quasi static testing peer reviewed by leading structural engineers / by Shaun Evans

We’ve been working hard at TRACKLOK® to simplify bracing of partitions.

So, after having our world first quasi static testing peer reviewed by leading structural engineers, we are pleased to bring you the TRACKLOK® set out charts.

Utilising the unique features of TRACKLOK® we have produced three set out charts which allow architects, engineers, installers and regulators to all be on the same page. We have provided typical layouts, featuring actual TRACKLOK® placements to ensure guidance and clarity.

The benefits of the set out charts include:

  • Standard centres at 2.4m (2.0m at 12m above ground in Wellington).
  • TRACKLOK® in plane deflection for interstory drift on stiff return walls.
  • Provides guidance from design through to install.
  • Provides engineers with horizontal load parameters.
  • Provides consistency of communication throughout the build.

We still remain on standby to mark up plans when required and we are always happy to help with project enquiries. TRACKLOK® is a tool to achieve compliant outcomes and whether you’re working on a standard detail or you require a specific design – we’re here to help.